Monday, April 2, 2012

Gore Family

Hello!  I had the pleasure of starting off my weekend photographing some sweet friends- the Gore family.  Niles and I have known these 2 since before they were married and we've been blessed to watch as the Lord has grown them into a beautiful family. 
 Side note- we had approximately 30 minutes in the shoot before it began raining.  Lucky for me their are such beautiful and photogenic people that was all I needed! 
 Now onto my favorites from the day!

Meet, the Gore family!

Love the way sweet Selah is looking at Daddy in this one

I don't believe this little girl could be more lovely.  A sweet delight!


I can't imagine where this little girls gets her beauty...

Insane I tell you!  Too adorable for words.

This little girl LOVES her Daddy.

Such a sweet expression!

Also, I did NOTHING in editing to her eyes!  They are just that amazing.

A beautiful love story

Who can look at this and not smile too?

There's just nothing on this earth like a sister!  LOVE!

And to close, one more family shot that I loved!
I vote that you guys have at least 5 more kiddos- I get a vote, right?

Thank you again, Gore family, for your support and love.  May our sweet Lord continue to bless your beautiful family!  Love you guys!

One final thought:
My assistant rocks.

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1 comment:

Kylie said...

GREAT shoot!!! I don't know whether to be happy or insanely jealous that they are so dang photogenic!!!