Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Quick details update!

Hello!  Please forgive me for not updating prior to now.

I have taken this week off of my job at Eternal to spend some focused time on our next round of adoption paperwork.  I had absolutely NO IDEA I'd be thinking this introspectively and critically as I filled out form after form and I certainly had no idea that Niles and I would both be writing autobiographies!

Just when I thought it would be ok to complain about the workload I received this kind reminder from a friend:

Your autobiography is probably a wonderful testimony. And what a blessing to this baby one day. S/he'll see how much his mom and dad thought through before having them. All my parents could ever say sometimes when looking at me was, "What WERE we THINKING?!?!?!" -Tom Harvey  

We can always count on Tom for a great perspective and a good laugh :).

So please continue to pray for us as we work through the pile of paper.  As another friend put it "just like each contraction brings you closer to your baby, so does each line you write in the application process."

I'll close with the last section of our autobiography:

We are a family that above all else wants to love God and his people in obedience to the scriptures.   We want to practically live the faith we have been given by the Holy Spirit and believe that adopting a baby girl is such an opportunity.  The Lord has specifically placed this desire on our heart and we pray that as we “delight in the LORD, he will give [us] the desires of [our] heart.”  We look forward with joyful anticipation to the day we will be a family of five.                                       

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